Friday in New York started um....early. I believe the time that we had be down in the lobby was 6:30. Yeah. That's up, dressed, and ready to leave at 6:30 a.m. Needless to say, I'm not exactly what can be considered a morning person. I'm bitchy. cranky. miserable....
...But I did it. I wasn't pleasant (I believe the bestest decided that the best route was to just stop talking to me after about 15 minutes of "we're in New York. You don't sleep in New York. When is the next time we will be in New York?!?" to which she got responses close to "New York will still be here at noon.") I'm sure there was some explicit language in there somewhere but I really don't remember. The only important thing was that I was, in fact, following directions by being awake and moving. There was nothing in the itinerary that required me to be chipper.
Why did we have to be up and ready to go at 6:30a.m on a Friday? To go here:
It's called Ellen's Diner, and it is the cutest, little fifty's diner where the staff literally sing and dance while serving you. The bestest kept telling me (as I complained about the time) that this place was worth it and she was completely right. All of the waiters/waitresses are struggling performers, and 100% of their tips go to helping them succeed, making the experience even better.
After we finished eating (phenomenal food by the way) our tour bus arrived and we headed out on a tour of Brooklyn. This was the tour I was least anticipating, but it turned out to be the best one of the trip, much to do with this man:
We then ended the tour at Coney Island with these amazing sights
After a long trip back into New York (something like two hours. Trying to get back into New York City on a Friday, in rush hour wasn't the easiest thing), a quick shower, we were headed out to our formal dinner....which I don't have good pictures of (FAIL!) I was too busy eating and drinking.
By this point it was very late, after a very early morning. The bestest and I found ourselves wandering through New York City (maybe the slightest bit tipsy) on a mission to find me a New York Hoody (we were successful...even if we were tipsy!)
We also managed to find this guy
Next Up: Free Saturday!
1 comment:
I absolutely LOVE New York and you know on Friends, the tv show, Monica worked at a diner like that. How cool!
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